Sunday, April 5, 2009

God vs. Adhaalathu

Is Adhaalathu out to prove what I have already known for many, many years? That God has the power of Omni-humor and Omni-sarcasm? Or is God out to prove that Adaalathu is a bunch of crackpots and their irrelevance?

Because back in January, during the war in Gaza, Adaalathu’s own sheikh lead a prayer at Majid Sultan praying for God to keep the people of Gaza safe and to give the fighters, namely Hamas, victory over the invading Israeli army. God answered by allowing the murder of hundreds of innocent Gazan men, women and children on top of the hundreds of Hamas fighters.

Then last Friday, Adaalathu prayed for rain as we are facing a severe water shortage. If only Adaalathu had sent in a team of engineers to get the 52 or so donated desalination plants scattered across the country in working order, we wouldn’t have to deal with God’s unique sense of humor which resulted in him sending only few minutes of rain that night. Concentrated to the Maale district. Rain that was utterly inadequate for anything but symbolism of comedy-noir.

I am beginning to think that even God is out to destroy what is left of Adhaalathu’s credibility. And maybe vice-versa. I mean, isn’t Adhaalathu making God look like some kind of a two-bit magician? Couldn’t save the children of Gaza and sent in a bucketful of water. Hardy har har. And I think these group prayers for rain is reminiscent of pagan rituals of the old. I wonder where that came from. Madagascar 2?

To make matters worse for them president Nasheed has installed his own crackpot sheikh into the mix at the Islamic ministry which has always been irrelevant and is increasingly proving so.

And adding insult to injury for Adhaalathu? Yes, the opening of the shrine of that Moroccan by the Home ministry in defiance of Adhaalathu sheikhs was that moment when you could almost imagine them with their tails between their legs.

My problem with Nasheed’s administration is that they have allowed these people to play around too much. Establishing a figh academy and a committee to combat religious differences? Where is the money for this kind of harebrained ideas?

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