Monday, October 19, 2009

Homosexualization of muslims

CHSE students should feel lucky that Maldives police do not come and take them away everytime a boy and girl sit together on a bench in Sultan Park.

But if the Talibanisation of Maldives continues, we can expect scenes from like this investigative photo essay on BBC website. Check it out!

In a normal world, and I am talking about the West here because that is the only sphere of the world where people have basic freedoms like choice of religion and sexuality, only around 1 out of 10 people turn out to be bisexual and/or homosexual.

But in most societies like Maldives and Iran, the forced homosexualization begins with sex segregation in schools.

As a result, during the period of adolescence when children grow up, their sexual curiosities mostly blossom towards the same sex, because they are prohibited from mingling and getting to know the opposite sex.

So it is no wonder that in countries like Maldives and the Middle East, our bisexual and homosexual population is way higher than in a normal society. In fact, only 1 in 10 Maldivians may be truly strictly heterosexual. Most men and women of Maldives are bisexual and homosexual, I strongly suspect, though they have to remain closeted due to Constitutional restrictions. If historical writings about Maldives gives a clue, it is that promiscuity is widespread in Maldives and that most Maldivians are very comfortable being bisexual. In other words, any kind of sex is OK for the average Maldivian as long as it is sex!

But when we now call for the Government to get rid of this age-old sex segregation in our schools, extremists voice against such a move. Ironic! Why should they support the forced homosexualization of Maldives? LOL

Thanks to a friend for sharing this link.

In pictures: The 15 hottest male celebrity body parts

by Kaitlin Menza / Glamour

Sure, lots of guy celebrities are handsome, but some of these hotties distinguish themselves with such a spectacular singular physical feature that it makes it impossible to keep us focused on silly things like, say, plot. Read on for the 15 most droolworthy biceps, buns, abs and more.


1. Brad Pitt’s abs
2. Derek Jeter’s butt
3. George Clooney’s eyebrows
4. James Lafferty’s torso
5. Robert Pattinson’s mouth
6. Ryan Reynolds’ arms
7. Idris Elba’s lips
8. Matt Damon’s biceps
9. Mehcad Brooks’ backside
10. Jacoby Ellsbury’s dimples
11. Hugh Jackman’s shoulders
12. TI’s smile
13. David Beckham’s legs
14. Common’s eyes
15. Matthew McConaughey’s stomach

Sunday, April 5, 2009

F*ck Off

Islam prohibited shaking hands of alien marriageable women???

Photos show Iran’s ambassador to Turkey, Bahman Hosseinpour refuse to shake hand to female guest!

Did they really assume that whoever we shake hands would marry or even have sexual desire!


What u say about having sex befor marriage???

Hi all ,this is a serious cultural discussion ..I would like to make a opinoun servey of this dilicate isssue...In Maldives this is considered as a depraved problem ,It violate social moral standard and can not be acceptable .However ,under considerable impact of pornographic pics,movie,website,..and other channels percentage of sex in teenage increase alarmingly
How Populer is sex in Maldives??
Which age is acceptable for sex ?

1. Being girl,how can you deny a request of sex from your boy friend ?Being boy in love , do you think sex is the best way for ur lover prove her love toward u ?

What would u have done if u have passed the limitaion and get pregnant unwarily ?
Hope to have your sincere comments

Dear moderately religious reader

Let me just say this outright and get it out of the way. There will be a terrorist attack of unprecedented level on our sovereign nation lead by our very own Dhivehin in the very near future if we keep ignoring and do nothing about the warnings that are staring blankly at our face.

The identity of our country is changing rapidly. We can see that today. This is definitely not the Dhivehi Raaje of a decade ago - perhaps even less. One of the ugliest faces of organized religion is here, infecting our gullible minds, creating unthinking, unfeeling zombies out of our very own people. And the moderates among us are still sitting on their rearends pointing their hypocritical fingers at something else and looking the other way.

I know what you are thinking, dear moderately religious reader. You are thinking that at least you are on a path even though you may not be on the right path fully. The right path being what the ultra-conservative religious fanatics say what the right path is. You don’t have the balls to get up and question or challenge these ideologies. In fact, you realize you don’t know much about religion and therefore whatever crackpot ideas and bullshit stories that they spit out, you are ready to either believe them or just let them be as long as they don’t meddle with your freedoms. I have news for you, my friend. It is their business to meddle with your freedom. But where do these crackpot ideas come from?

Sermon after sermon is given on TV and radio by hetherto unknown faces day in and day out! Some of the bullshit they dribble from their brains is not even qualified to be on the MAD magazine! And yet, there it is. Qiyaamath this, rasool that, naraka this, suvaruge that! Endless madness! And it is always a one-way thing. No one, not ONE attending person has ever, EVER raised a question - let alone challenged these utterly ridiculous stories. We don’t need these one-way sermons. We need real debates. That’s what democracy is about. It’s not about listening like imbeciles to hour after hour of tales from Arabia.

I have a feeling we Dhivehin just love to listen to pretentious wise-old men talking and telling tall tales. Maybe it is something from the holuashi days. Anyway, let me continue.

Here is a real moderate’s opinion of today’s situation:

“I don’t think killing people and going on jihad are allowed in Islam”#1

This was a quote from none other than the president of the Human Rights Commission, Mr. Saleem. This quote demonstrates exactly what I am talking about very clearly and very concisely.

The point is, no one is sure. Everyone’s in the dark. Mr. Saleem is definitely in the dark and there is no light-bulb in sight! We are just sort of nodding to everything.

Jihad is loving your neighbour. Ah, yes, yes. Jihad is not about killing. Ah, right, right. Jihad is killing all infidels. Oh, ok. Jihad is a struggle. Ah, yes, lets struggle. Jihad was a minister. Oh?

And commission member Ahmed Abdul Kareem (isn’t this the guy on the Music is Haraam video?) likes to pass the blame around to the previous government. And then he transforms into one of those wise-old sermon weilding men I mentioned earlier. Select religious sermon voice-type.

“…jihad is carried out for a very noble purpose and it cannot be done just for the sake of doing it.”#2

Excuse me, sir. But whose idea of “noble purpose” are you talking about? Why are you telling this to us?

What is wrong with these people? They sound like they want to powder up their own asses and leave. Nine Maldivians getting arrested in possession of arms in a highly radicalized region of Pakistan should be considered a disaster of collosal proportions for a country that absolutely depends on the Euro-dollar from tourism. We don’t have the volume of people and resources that, say, Sri Lanka has to survive and support and economy even under terrorism’s dark shadow. When terrorism arrives and tourism is gone, we will be gone. It is no time to pass on blame or to give one’s definition of or opinions of Islamic ideologies.

And yet, look at us. Look at you, dear moderately religious reader. Sipping your coffees, pretending to think. What have you done to challenge radicalization lately?

So what’s a confused country to do? We don’t know whether we should be taking the infidel’s beer money or not. We’re not sure whether sheikh so-and-so is right and sheikh was-and-now is not. The reality is that religion, especially Islam, has become a cancerous disease that is mutating a resistance to every anti-biotic thrown at it. And for people like you, dear moderately religious reader, there is no escaping it either.

The outlook, the way I see it, is horrible. We lack a reliable security service, we lack proper jail facilities, we lack expertise in terrorism, we lack laws that will protect individuals: witnesses and opinion formers (private individuals, parliamentarians and commissioners etc), we have infected our constitution with religion on someone’s whim. I am afraid to think the bleak future of our nation: rampant ignorance, gullibility and the diseases of organized militant religion - especially since we are in the neighbourhood of some of the most dangerous countries in the world.

For a start, let us define traitors and bring some nationalism back. Let us love our country before we love our religion. Let us then, by law, condemn Maldivian-Islamic militants as traitors to the nation.

But I suppose, we’ll hear about your definition of jihad now, eh dear moderately religious reader?

God vs. Adhaalathu

Is Adhaalathu out to prove what I have already known for many, many years? That God has the power of Omni-humor and Omni-sarcasm? Or is God out to prove that Adaalathu is a bunch of crackpots and their irrelevance?

Because back in January, during the war in Gaza, Adaalathu’s own sheikh lead a prayer at Majid Sultan praying for God to keep the people of Gaza safe and to give the fighters, namely Hamas, victory over the invading Israeli army. God answered by allowing the murder of hundreds of innocent Gazan men, women and children on top of the hundreds of Hamas fighters.

Then last Friday, Adaalathu prayed for rain as we are facing a severe water shortage. If only Adaalathu had sent in a team of engineers to get the 52 or so donated desalination plants scattered across the country in working order, we wouldn’t have to deal with God’s unique sense of humor which resulted in him sending only few minutes of rain that night. Concentrated to the Maale district. Rain that was utterly inadequate for anything but symbolism of comedy-noir.

I am beginning to think that even God is out to destroy what is left of Adhaalathu’s credibility. And maybe vice-versa. I mean, isn’t Adhaalathu making God look like some kind of a two-bit magician? Couldn’t save the children of Gaza and sent in a bucketful of water. Hardy har har. And I think these group prayers for rain is reminiscent of pagan rituals of the old. I wonder where that came from. Madagascar 2?

To make matters worse for them president Nasheed has installed his own crackpot sheikh into the mix at the Islamic ministry which has always been irrelevant and is increasingly proving so.

And adding insult to injury for Adhaalathu? Yes, the opening of the shrine of that Moroccan by the Home ministry in defiance of Adhaalathu sheikhs was that moment when you could almost imagine them with their tails between their legs.

My problem with Nasheed’s administration is that they have allowed these people to play around too much. Establishing a figh academy and a committee to combat religious differences? Where is the money for this kind of harebrained ideas?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Three-year-old Girl Molested

A Maldivian construction worker was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly molesting a three-year-old girl in her home.

The girl’s father said the 28-year-old man came to Alif Alif atoll Rasdhoo a week ago for work and was renting a room at their house.

“This happened on Monday,” he said. “I was shocked when I heard the news that my daughter had been molested.

“I can’t even begin to describe what happened to me. My blood began to boil and I wanted to finish him off with my bare hands”

The girl’s father said she had disappeared on Monday at around 11.30am and was later found crying in the man’s room.

“When she was having a bath, she told her mum she had felt a burning sensation when she urinated. Then when we questioned her, she said the man had molested her.”

If police failed to investigate the case, he added, angry islanders would “sentence” him themselves.

Medical reports showed the girl had been sexually assaulted, said Ahmed Shakir, director for Alif Alif atoll hospital

Shiyara Mohamed Didi, assistant director of department of child and family protection unit, said there has been a rapid increase in the number of cases reported and the department was “very concerned”.

When a case is reported, the department carries out medical tests, looks for evidence and provides a counselling service.

“People are more aware about reporting child abuse cases. Previously, cases were only reported if a child became pregnant.

“But today, society believes that even showing pornographic images and objects to children constitutes abuse. I can’t say child abusing rates are increasing. But the recorded rates have increased of course.”

Although no survey has been carried out to investigate the reasons for child abuse, some cases are related to drugs and housing issues, said Didi.

To tackle child abuse cases, the department of child and family protection unit has established 20 family and children service centres across the islands.

In December 2008, police said four incidents of gang rape in the capital Male’ were being investigated by the Maldives Police Service, and all the victims were under the age of 18.

More recently, a 14-year-old girl was raped by a man performing 'fanditha' on her – a traditional Maldivian healing process which involves reciting Quranic verses.

Child sex offenders were banished for one- to two-year with 10 to 19 lashes until February 2008, but the sentencing guidelines were amended following increasing pressure on the government from human rights groups, local NGOs and the public after a series of high-profile sexual offence cases.

Now child sex offenders are sentenced from three to eight years' imprisonment.

Gayoom's 2008 Challenges

Last year was a politically momentous year for the Indian Ocean island of the Maldives. It was, I guess you could say, a year of firsts.

It was the year when the face of politics changed, both literally and figuratively, for the first time in 30 years.

It was the year when Asia’s longest serving leader, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, was defeated in the country’s first multi-party elections.

Gayoom came to power in 1978, succeeding his political rival, the former late president Ibrahim Nasir.

Once in office, he won the hearts of many Maldivians while others viewed him as a dictator who ruled with an iron-fist, clamping down on a catalogue of rights usually considered as the pillars of democracy.

In 2005, Gayoom banned the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from being distributed in the Maldives; an act which speaks volumes.

Although, Gayoom won each of the presidential elections over the past three decades, with a reported 90 per cent of the vote, he was the sole candidate in all of these elections.

These victories can only be described as empty. His opponents, furthermore, claim the elections were rigged.

The main opposition party, the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), accused Gayoom of violating human rights and using religion as a tool to subjugate the population.

It took the party members years to finally defeat Gayoom but they did not give up and it is in part due to their unremitting spirit, that democracy, in the true sense of the word, was finally able to put down roots in the Maldives.

But Gayoom challenged the opposition at every stage, deflecting every crisis thrown at him, until the bitter end. I can't remember ever seeing anyone so politically astute.

And just what were these crises? During his long reign, he came face to face with several incidents designed to end his rule.

Most notably, the 1988 coup attempt and the 2004 Black Friday demonstration, when thousands protested in Republican Square demanding democratic reform.

Gayoom defied every one of these incidents, declaring himself to be the victor at every turn.

In a sense, his first failure did not come until last year when he was beaten by Mohamed Nasheed, the leader of the MDP and a former political prisoner, in the presidential elections.

But the year had begun ominously with an attempt on Gayoom’s life.

In January 2008, Mohamed Murushid, 20, tried to stab Gayoom with a 12-inch life; lucky for the former president, a 15-year-old boy scout came to his rescue.

But after watching videos of the incident, many journalists questioned where this so-called boy scout was. As far as we could see, Gayoom had defended himself against the blade.

The next milestone of the year was the drafting of the new constitution. In July 2008, a crowd of hundreds gathered outside the presidential palace to protest for the ratification of the constitution to be expedited.

A week later on 7 August 2008, the constitution was ratified by Gayoom in a ceremony held at Dharubaaruge Hall.

And then of course, we come to the the first multi-party elections in the Maldives, held on 8 October 2008 – a day that will go down in history.

At the end of the first round, Gayoom led with 41 per cent of the vote and Nasheed with 25 per cent. Although five candidates contested, no single person obtained as many votes as Gayoom.

In accordance with the rules, as no one candidate secured 50 per cent of the votes, a second round was held.

At this crucial juncture, several other political parties rallied around Nasheed, pledging their support in exchange for a number of political privileges, including cabinet seats.

And so the coalition was born and Nasheed was victorious with 54 per cent of the vote to Gayoom’s 46 per cent.

But of course, we have to wonder, especially with the upcoming parliamentary elections, whether Nasheed would have received as many votes without the backing of the coalition.

Either way, there is no denying the time for change was ripe and was ushered in through democratic channels.

I have always believed Gayoom’s greatest mistake for losing the elections was his campaign strategy.

While Nasheed and the coalition were campaigning about social issues, Gayoom’s team entertained the party’s supporters by organising dance and puppet shows.

Rather than using prominent and publicly accepted figures like Shaheen Hameed and the former cabinet minister Mohamed Nasheed, Gayoom used comedians like Alhaan Fahumee and Ali Waheed to boost his ratings and win votes; a strategy that backfired.

And now we welcome in a new year and with it comes a new set of questions and expectations.

What role will Gayoom play in politics this year? And what challenges will he and his party face?

Whatever happens, it will be an exciting year in politics as we see how our fledgling democracy grows and takes shape, and as we watch the two rival parties switch places for the first time in 30 years.

In Search Of A Life Jacket

Once every five years, MPs remember their fellow citizens. They make (unfulfilled) promises, spend (borrowed) money and listen to the public’s concerns (with deaf ears).

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet a candidate contesting for one of the northern atolls along with his campaign manager.

“Let me tell you of a clever strategy to use during the campaign,” said the manager. “Wearing a smile, go and shake hands with anyone you meet.

“No matter who the person is, even if they are from a different constituency. Just use this tactic and you’ll see how delighted the islanders will be.”

No surprises here. He is after all a campaign manager and there is no doubt a thousand tricks up his sleeve. But what amazed me was the candidate’s response.

“I recently registered with MDP to win a party ticket,” he said. “As the party has the highest number of supporters, I decided this would be the best choice. But I’m not sure if MDP will endorse me, as another activist is also contesting.”

Several weeks later, I chuckled to myself as I read in the news that he had been selected as the MDP candidate for that very constituency.

Every candidate, it seems, whether from MDP or DRP, is looking for a life jacket.

Over the past few months, we have seen a number of MPs jumping from sinking ships in search of a lifeline; changing from failed parties to those that are well-established.

Let’s have a look at some of them.

Before the October 2008 presidential elections, we saw Thaa atoll MP Mohamed “Sanco” Shareef, Seenu atoll MP Mohamed Aslam and former constitutional assembly Gaafu Dhaalu atoll MP Adnaan Haleem resign from the MDP on the grounds that it had failed.

Instead, they turned to the Republican candidate Gasim Ibrahim with open arms.

But then a funny thing happened: the MDP won the elections and guess who went crawling back?

A similar pattern of behaviour can be observed in Mohamed “Colonel” Nasheed, the former constitutional assembly Male’ MP.

He won the seat for the constitutional assembly on an MDP ticket but then defected to the Social Liberal Party.

After the first round of the elections, we were both at Male’ International Airport and he told me, “I will register with the MDP if they lose the elections. If I sign up with the MDP when they win, activists would think badly about me.”

But in true parliamentarian style, it did not take him long to join the MDP after they had won the elections. And now he is contesting once more for a parliamentary seat on an MDP ticket.

Seenu atoll MP Ibrahim “Mavota” Shareef’s case is interesting too and is not dissimilar to a game of tennis.

Once upon a time he was an MDP member but then he defected to the DRP.

When former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom lost the elections, he signed up with the Republican Party.

But within a month he returned to the DRP. The end? Probably not.

Over the past years, we have borne witness to the highs and lows of MPs. Every banana in Majlis has been peeled and I think the public now knows which is sweet and which is not.

Now the time has come to discard those that leave a bitter taste in our mouths.

Personally, I will be voting for candidates who show they are the most stable. I will vote for their character, performance and work.

I will not be voting on party lines.

After all, how confident can we be they will not jump ship when the going gets tough?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Total 122 Comments for my article (Are we blind followers?) - thansk for Comments


Anonymous said...

This is a serious problem facing our nation.... this artwork is great but...
12:01 AM
Anonymous said...

The Sharia was developed not only from the Holy Quran but incorporates legal principles from other sects. Dear Mr. Minster Bari, how a law whose elements were first laid down over 1,000 years ago can possibly be relevant in the 21st century.

People do not care about the person today. In the 21st century Maldives to win the hearts and minds of the people will depends only on how much the person is ready to reform sharia law. It does not matter whether it is Gayoom, Sheikh Rasheed or Dr. Bari.

The majority of the peoples don’t have faith in sharia law. But we were always Muslims in Maldivian way and that will be always so…
12:06 AM
Anonymous said...

everything is clear in the Quran sappe. You must too follow it....
12:17 AM
Anonymous said...

All i know is that i want the rest of the black gown off her... she is an absolute babe... muslim or nor....
12:21 AM
Anonymous said...

Leave Sappe out of this... why are you giving him instructions... this is a debate... a general one and not written by Sappe either...

Thanks Sappe for giving us the chance to comment on this opinion
12:28 AM
Anonymous said...

It is sad to say that most of these writers were unable to relate to the topic they 've chosen. I RECOMMEND to recruit the right people so that readers won't be let down.
12:33 AM
Anonymous said...

I think Anni had demonstrated that he is going to follow the tenants of Islam without giving room to any extremist groups. Gayoom not only introduced drugs into the Maldives and during the last few years beer and whiskey are more readily available in Male and in other islands. Gayoom's policy was to keep the people as ignorant as possible and perhaps keep the youth under intoxication. This is what he learned from Azhar. This is part of his religious belief, so that he can go on shopping to Singapore 6 times a year, buy 6 million rufiyaa car, 92 million yacht, build a 700m rufiyaa palace and 240m rufiyaa retreat. He made few of his friends Islamic preachers who preached the same thing over 30 years. Adhalath party is no threat to MDP, they are infact partners. They understand both religion and politics. The articles makes me believe that we have to go to pre November 11, 2008 mind set where we think only Gayoom can solve problems. He himself made enough mistakes before he could make every Maldivian feel second class. Anni is no super human. He is going to make mistakes too, but he is at least willing to listen and to adjust to the needs of his people. He has so far demonstrated that he has the ability and the caliber to run a coalition government with different parties, with other ambitions, aspirations and values than him. However our old Zaeem, still cannot sleep wondering why he lost the election. He is still clever to keep people like Tasmeen, Ibrahim Hassan, Nasheed and few others under his belt. The moment DRP becomes a real Gayoom's party with Yaameen, Ilyas, & Hameed's kids it is all over.
12:38 AM
Anonymous said...

I think during the 30 years, Gayoom confused the religion, people and perhaps confused himself. His only objective was to remain in power and to hand over his reigns to his family. He failed because many of his "partners" defected him. Just imagine how much corruption can influence people. This old man still cannot comprehend how he is out of Theemuge. He is never going back there. He can call his goondas and all his majic, he is just history. Poor fellow will die on the streets with a bowl in his hand. His gay brother will teach all his tricks to his own kids and people like Hamdhoon and Shaheen will become the President of Gay and Lesbian club of Maldives. Hats their destiny. Hon. Bari watch out!
12:44 AM
Anonymous said...

A good article. I think this is just politics and they are again using our religion as a political tool.May Allah punish such people and save our country from such devils.
12:53 AM
Anonymous said...

sappe.. wats wrng with u.. u actually dnt kno wats in islam.. u only knos wats in christian nd jews.. May Allah destroy you,,
1:46 AM
Anonymous said...

dhen vaane gothakee secular khiyaalu ge meehun mi zaathuge liyunthah iru irukolhun shaaiukuraa than fennaane. adalat sheikhun thiben jeheynee defensive positioneh ga abadhu ves. mi echcheh ingireysi bahun liyumuge beynumakee ves, dhuniye ah adalat ge nurakkaatherikan haamakoh dhinun. adalat sheikhunnah mihaaru varah rangalhah andhaaza kureveyne bovunu bondi. emeehunnah maa bodah ves dheenee islaah genevunees maumoonaa ebbaivegen maumoonah fiththaigen ulhunu nama. islamy gaumegga abadhu ves kanthah vaa gothakee, gaumee kamegga hanguraama eh jehijje nama islamistun lavvaa jihaad kuruvaa bahattaafa, power hama libey irah ekkala islamistun faadegge lable eh alhuvaafa ekkairi kuraane. dhen adalat ah ves jeheynee hama mi dhathuru. campain dhuvasvaru adalat use koffa thiyothee.. adalat ves ulhunee bodah dheenattakayah vuren bodah zaatheevegen. ehenvegen heyo nuvisnunee kmah belevenee.maaiy kalaange aa wakeel.
1:51 AM
Anonymous said...

no! dont leave sappe out of this. he is the one who wrote that comment in minivan and used it as a source in DO. and he is the one who is commenting on it too. he is too pissed off with Dr.Majeed that the ministry banned the new year night's DJs. Dear Sappe! you dont belong here! go back to uk as you were and do whatever u please there. this is a muslim country and you cannot change a thing here. goodday!
1:52 AM
Anonymous said...

Slowly emerging "Aneh Dhivehi Raaje"
1:59 AM
Anonymous said...

"but we were muslims in the maldivian way.."????
saying that one has doesnt have faith in sharia law is the one who dont have faith in Allah. so how can u stil call him a muslim. Muslim is the one who follow Islam.. the one who submits to Allah.. his law.. the sharia law.. also if a true muslim will know that the law that came down more than 1400 years ago is stil relevent to 21st century... he knows that a new law is never coming again.. cox it is declared in the Quraan that the final messenger already came and the final message is reveald to him... the creator of you n me n the mankind has already sent down a law the sharia law for u and i to follow.. who are u to reform his law... oh btw a muslim wil try to please to his lord before tryin to "win the hearts and minds of the people"... i wonder if u rele konw about islam and muslims.

Their intention is to extinguish Allah.s Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it). [Quraan Surah 61 Verse 8]
2:00 AM
Anonymous said...

Please remove that picture,
i knw that u knw that i knw that u are not a muslim, if u do publish these articles
2:11 AM
Ahmed said...

Muslims and their leaders are completely and utterly lost and to even regard us as Muslims is an insult to the religion.

To see how Islam embraced civilisation, culture, science and technology alongside theology, have a read of articles by Professor Jim Al-Khalili, for example

Muslims rulers once ruled vast swathes of this earth and brought much advancement to civlisation. If only todays Muslims and their leaders can learn from that. Those who don't know or care for history are bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

So called Islamic universities are also to blame for the state we are in now. Can we compare these institutions to those in Baghdad in the 9th century for example? For God's sake, those Muslims even managed to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics, 100s of years before anyone in the West did!

Learn from your past! Islam is not just about a long beard, short trousers and daily prayers. Islam is about learning, engaging and social cohesion besides much more.
4:36 AM
Anonymous said...

I agree with that about sharia. It is clear that sharia was first developed after Prophet Mohammed’s (SAW) death. And it is quite clear sharia is not real interpretations of Quran and Sunna. So in a reality something like that must not belongs to real Islam. For example according to Quran death penalties are not allowed. And in many other aspects in sharia you can find lot of outdated laws, which simply does not reliable and fit to this modern time. For example “BURUGA” Nowhere in Quran it clearly stated that wearing BURUGA is a must for women.

Ok but any Adhalath Mullah will interpret other way.
4:49 AM
Anonymous said...

Sharia, in its present form, is not compatible with principles of freedom and democracy. Twenty-first century Muslims have two options: we can continue the barbaric policies of the seventh century perpetuated by Sheikh Hussain Rasheed, Hassan al-Banna, Abdullah Azzam, Yassir Arafat, Ruhollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, Thaliban, etc., leading to a global war between Islamic World and non-Islamic World, or we can reform sharia to keep our rich cultural heritage and to cleanse our religion from the reviled relics of the past. We, as Muslims who desire to live in harmony with people of other religions, choose the latter option. We can no longer allow Islamic extremists to use our religion as a weapon. We must protect future generations of Muslims from being brainwashed by the Islamic radicals. If we do not stop the spread of Islamic fundamentalism, our children will become homicidal zombies.

So of the question “Are we blind followers” Of course we are if we are to let Adhalath Mullahs to influence our belief. Fellow Maldivians Lets not do it again. 30 years we let Gayoom to influence our religious belief.
5:14 AM
Anonymous said...

good article..i still dont get why maldivians are so "dheen veri" when ever they see an article like this.they dont pray they dont read the quran they dont do anything in islam..but still maldivians are 100% muslim country
5:39 AM
Anonymous said...

I think this is a good article. This is exactly what Gayoom wants people to believe. When he is gone, Islam will be wiped out from the face of Maldives.

With Anni around the police is on their feet and now hunting for drug dealers. Whether it is Kerafa Sattar, or Alia Ali Abdullah, they are going to arrest and bring them to justice and Anni is not going to stop it. In the past Shaheen Hameed;s wife was busted twice, but was asked to release by Gayoom. Gayoom's own sons were drug addicts, his own brother Bunyameen was another character. Abbas's son was on Al jazeerah confessing himself.

This is a new Maldives, where the government is worried about its people not Anni's family. He had the choice to go and sleep in the grand palace, pay the balance to the 6 m rufiyaa car, enjoy the 92 m rufiyaa yacht and spend the weekend in 270 m rufiyaa hide away.

Anni more than smart enough to keep religion where it belongs..the forefront of our daily lives. He is no Islamic scholar so he had hired the best people to do what they know best.

We don't want Gayoom, and kanfaiy bodu Rasheed to tell us what is their Islam, which is to keep the people poor all the time and rob and steal all what they can from the government coffers.
7:16 AM
Anonymous said...

Sappey Islamdheen dheke haadha rulhi ekey mi annanee dho? Keevvebaa mi article thah dhivehin nuliye Ingireysibahun miliyanee? mives dhuniyeah dhivehiraajjeygai kanthah gadeh ebahingaakan angaigen mikanthah huttuveythoa balanvegen. mi baigandu amillayah Narakayah dhiyaama veenu. keekkuran ehenmeehun govaigen dhaan miulhenee? Namaadhu alhaafa auto in anbiverivefavaa haaluga ziney kolla kohla thibey iru mikanthah dhanna meehaku nuhunnaanekamah dho thi hadhanee? Geythereygaves ziney mikuranee? Ilmeh neiy mainbafainannah mikan neygunas aharumwen dhannan. Sappey men kahala namaadhu alhaafa fulhihifaigen thibey baigandu mihen article eh liyeliyas aharumennah heyo. sappey liyefa bahattaa. kaleythee kaakukan public ah haamakoh dhekkey nee liyuneema. ginain liyey . Muslimunnah ginain undhagookurey. emeehun keiytherivajjanama. vaanee mi aayathugai mivaagothah. kiyaalabala.Ye shall certainly Be tried and tested In your possessions And in your personal selves; And ye shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you,From those who received The Book before you And from those who Worship many gods. But if ye persevere Patiently, and guard Against evil- then That will be A determining factor In all affairs. (Suratul Al-I'mran 186) Sappey mi comments jahaane kan neyge. nujahaifiyyaa Haveeru online ah dhineema nimunee dho? Mihaaru miyothee media minivan vefa. ekaku nujehiyaa amilla blog ga jehidhaane.
7:16 AM
Anonymous said...

This is media freedom? The picture is an insult to islam. I call upon Islamic Ministry, Information to dicipline or take whatever necessary step against the person who has written this article.

Sappe, let me tell you something, get the hell out of maldives with your tory friends before the maldivian public gets nasty.

whether we have Anni, or anyboy else, Maldives will remain muslim and thats the end of story.
7:25 AM
Anonymous said...

Dont expose your lack of knowledge about Islam.
If you dont know the topic well just write some ABC and post
7:48 AM
Anonymous said...

Every human being who comes to this world would die. No one would live forever. That is Allah (s.w.a) revelation, which is why you live in this world according to Him (a.s.w.a) and get the Jannah hereafter. Surely the writer and those who think he is talking something sensible, would die too, like everyone else. This is not the only world you would live in. There is a hereafter. And i ask the writer and those who think the writer is talking with sense, to learn Islam and straighten up yourselves. Otherwise you would go astray. ONE LITTLE EXAMPLE- All kinds of things are 'Halal' for the secular people - which is why they go to the extent that marriage with same sex is fine as long as it is mutually agreed.- In Islam we do not believe these things. May Allah (s.w.a) bless us with knowledge and save us from going into astray. Islam will prevail over those who are trying to destroy Islam. The secular thought itself was brought by the aristocrats in Europe and west for their benefit and if they do not benefit from secularism they go against secularism, which is their own creation. Those views are created by human reason and they think human reason alone can solve problems faced by humans. In Europe those views were the result of their tradition and culture. But reason alone cannot solve problems for humankind. We see it throughout history. REASON CAN REBEL YOU. This is the situation of Europe and west, which is the reason why we should follow Allah (s.w.a), the holy Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet (s.a.w). So think twice, especially these people who write these misguided writings. Islam teaches us to live in peace, respect, gain knowledge, work and earn in Halal ways- in short Islam only can lead you a DECENT LIFE. That is Islam. please get the knowledge. That is Allah's (s.w.a) call on us and we are rebelling Him if we are not working to get knowledge and not spreading knowledge. Islam alone can save you in this world and hereafter. Islam will not ever be defeated. The only path that is right, how can it be defeated. That's the greatness of Allah (s.w.a). (Farhad)
8:26 AM
Anonymous said...

this dress should be our national dress... i like it.
8:34 AM
Anonymous said...

Ban DO and Sappe from maldives. we dont need anybody who is against our religion and who doesn't know what he is doing in the name of democracy.
10:39 AM
Navo Gatoo said...

This is the biggest problem we face in our country today... Like almost every other democratic nation, we also need freedom of religion... we need the freedom to practice our true beliefs instead being forced to become an islam. In our country today, not to mention just islam, Islam itself has been twisted around to the extreme by the adhaalath party who doesn't really know what islam is in the first place.
10:47 AM
Anonymous said...

When people come to power, it is common for them to be addicted to it and thus to go astray.

I believe this is what happened to previous sheik Rasheed, and also Maumoon.

This is especially dangerous if the person is educated and selectively uses his knowledge to gain his political objectives.

We need people of knowledge to lead us and guide us. However we do not need to follow them blindly. We need to be able to verify whatever they say. It would be stupid for everyone of us to learn every trade and not trust anyone who is specialized in it.

Having said that, I don't think Dr. Majeed has become corrupt yet. He seems to have similar objectives as he had when he came back from his studies, and that was to help us Maldivians to learn about the true religion of Islam. But I believe that the position he is holding is a risky one and bound to criticism from both the religiously-strong and so called 'moderate' Muslims.I hope when the time comes and it sure will; when he can no longer work to his religious aims, that he would resign from the government.

I urge everyone to open their minds and learn about the true religion of Islam. If you believe that our religion Islam has not been perfected, as revealed in the Quran, then you will face lots of hindrances and doubts in your soul searching.

When you think about the whole picture, our whole life, what would the purpose of it be? Our time is limited in this world, would you rather spend it criticizing people who differ from your paradigm of living or would you rather learn about yourself and where you are going to end up in and prepare yourself for the inevitable.

May Allah guide us all.

10:59 AM
Anonymous said...

May Allah show u the right way. Ameen
11:42 AM
Anonymous said...

teaching of Islam is applicable to all times, whether its 21st century or 13th century. u fools pls repent before its too late.

there r certain parts of a female which needs to be covered whether is ugly or a hot babe. if u dont believe in these than u cant claim to be a muslim. if u say u r a muslim than pratice and follow it. may allah show u all the right way and fill your hearts with faith.
11:48 AM
Anonymous said...

We believe in Allah and his messenger Mohamed(PBH). Islam was found in Saudi Arabia Mohamed(PBH) was also from Saudi Arabia. Hence, it is very clear that Islam spread to other parts of the world from Saudi Arabia. There for the purest form of Islam could be found in Saudi Arabia.

What do you do if you have contradictions regarding what the teacher explain in phisics or economics class? As soon as you reach home, you take the text book and see if he had explained it wrong or not. here you are going to the original source to find the answer.

similarly, if you see any difference in the practice of Islam, then you have to refer the original text:the Quran. and then Sunna, and after that you have to interpret it based on how the people originally practiced it:ie, how people of Saudi Arabia practiced it during Mohamed's(PBH) time, and how they follow it now.

so, how could any one say Saudi Arabi practices an older version of Islam. Its the original version that they follow, others have changed it for easy practice, like the same way Christians did, may be they didn't change to that extend.

And Dear Sappe, please..its very clear that, in Islam DJ is strictly prohibited. you know it very well, every one knows it but you all don't want it that way and they just deny it. those who deny it by knowing the fact will face the greatest Jaza in the Akhirat(Hell).

May Allah purify our community from those who in purify. May Allah not punish us due to their wrong doings. amen.
(i hope you publish my comment)
11:54 AM
Anonymous said...

oh sappe i can see your wildest fantasy in that pic. i want to say u r an asshole and i hope u get an evil death, but i wont say that. i pray and hope allah will reach to u and light your heart up.
11:55 AM
Anonymous said...

leave Sappe alone and who knows who contributed to this article. May be even me. Adalat party is dangerous and should never have been allowed to form. They will bring a Talaban style of Islam. MDP be aware !!! MDP has given in to the Adalat party too many times. This time too during the Presidental Election when Anni chose Aminath Jameel as his running mate, what a cry from all the so called Muslim Brotherhood guys. and in the case of Aniya!!!!! this is too bad for MDP. Ask all these Hussain Rasheed and Bari's to migrate to Mecca and live the ideal life and leave us to live our way of life.
12:07 PM
Anonymous said...

Readers stop calling Sappe a non beliver and not a Muslim. we have no right to do that. Thats not real Islam too. Aishath
12:10 PM
Anonymous said...

I wonder whether Gayoom or his supporters have any shame left. If they can spend to buy a Rf. 6 m car, Rf 92 m yacht, Rf.700 m palace Rf 240 m retreat from our money, these guys who had excess to our money still came come out and open their mouths toblame others.
12:15 PM
Anonymous said...

This is an article in the Comments & Opinion section of Minivan News - - written by Ibrahim Mohamed. What Sappe' has done is publish it in the DO Blog so people can comment on the piece which I think is a good idea. You cannot comment on Minivan News articles. So, I don't understand why you guys are attacking Sappe' rather than comment constructively.
Screaming you head of is in no way a tool with which you can defend your religion. I am a Muslim and I feel no anger after reading the views of this writer, Ibrahim Mohamed. He has every right to express his own opinion and it is upto the media players whether to publish it or now. Besides, these days anyone can start a blog and write their thoughts, so there is no way and no need to even try to stop people from THINKING!
2:15 PM
Anonymous said...

sheikh hussain rasheed is a CD sheik he only has diploma in arabic language , he abused a child during a tuition session in which he showed how the reproduction takes place.

SO i request all religious heads in the Maldives to get rid of this Hussain Rasheed from Adhaalath Party.

2:27 PM
Anonymous said...


3:02 PM
iwasajunkie said...

i'd rather comment about the photograph.. the photograps is attractive weh did u got the photo? where is the source? please give us the link....
3:03 PM
Anonymous said...

sappe is the person who wrote this article in minivan,sappe ur aim v maldivien knws well,adives ney year kan tha hithun nufilani dho....
3:09 PM
Anonymous said...

Sappe, I would suggest you to remove this picture ASAP. and instead of posting article like this, you better go to ministry and talk with them regarding the issue. If they are unwilling to act, or listen you anymore, than you may post. plx remove the pic
3:13 PM
Anonymous said...

Banning these articles and photos from being accessible to Maldives does not mean that the problem will go away.
Attacking the writers and publishers of these reviews also won't make the problem go away.
There is an obvious clash of ideas in our country and we have to deal with it intelligently. Ignoring it or threatening people is not the way to resolve these issues.
The fact of the matter is that as humans, we all have a free mind to think and not everyone is easily convinced. If this was not the case, the entire world population would be Muslims today... why didn't that happen? Who's fault is that? Why are we finding it so hard to sell Islam as a brand? We are still the second largest religious group in the world... and what a group... divided into several sects... Sunni, Shiat, Wahhaabee, Majeedhee, Ahmadhee... you name it! Where is our unity?
Islam as a religion is well respected everywhere but a minority is pushing good Muslims out of the social networks around the globe.
Today, our challenge is to become stronger and be ready to take criticism from all sides.
Just look at the Arab Muslim leaders, how they abuse power and how they disregard human rights, if we follow in the paths shown by some of these Mullah's we will be going backwards and not forwards.
Be sensible and be realistic, the world has changed and we must do too.
3:26 PM
Anonymous said...

Saudis are the worst in the world. How could one defines the way of life and the legal system of Saudi Arabia could be the best?

Discrimination against women is fully practiced in the Saudi Arabia under sharia law. Women's testimonies in criminal cases are not acceptable at all, in civil cases, a women's testimony carries far less weight than a man's. Two women's testimonies are equal to one man's. A woman's evidence is not considered as good as that of a man, and another woman must support her if she provides testimony. Saudi women are restricted from travelling. They are required not only to obtain a written permission from their male guardian but also to have a male escort with them. 1000s of women suffer in Saudi Arabia daily. They are traumatized deranged.

How could a mother of four son who brought them up all alone, educated them alone, feed them alone, wash and do all household work for them alone be worthless then her son? A legal system, which allows 8 years girl to get married to man who is 58 years old can be the best system?

In Saudi Arabia an 8-year-old girl was forced to marry a 58-year-old man and Saudi sharia court has struck down her mother’s request for a divorce. A father who is divorced from her mother and even don’t look after the daughter, signed a contract and received a dowry of 7.400,00 US$ for her marriage. Could this be the best system?. Well I am sorry but only Adhaalath Mullahs can say it is the best system because they belive only on redicalism.
3:46 PM
Anonymous said...

It's not a photo, it is a drawing... what is wrong with you all... have a bit of taste? Now, don't you just wish.... u know what?

Anyway, ask yourselves these questions...

How Muslim are your really?

Do you pray 5 times a day?

When did you last recite Quran?

Have you had sex outisde marriage?

Have you ever stolen from someone or abused your position to undermine someone?

Have you ever broken a promise?

Are you really a good human being and a good Muslim?

We all make mistakes, that is why we are humans...

Live and let live! There is no hatred in religion...
3:55 PM
Anonymous said...

Oh come on, what is wrong with you guys? so much worried about that photo.For you people it is nothing to kiss your girl friend before marriage but when some one puts a photo which does not show basically nothing, you people go crazy like hell..I think you people have become so much extreme in your thinking and now you people dont know even to think well, basically ur thinking and ur acts do not match at all..This is a type of article which should be published more to make people think what really we are doing and we are following...Keep up good work sappey..I support u!! Hope hope Sappe..
4:06 PM
Synonymouse said...

thank you for giving us the opportunity to comment on the article by Ibrahim (minivan). ignore the commentators who is threatening you despite you mention it clearly:) very funny though how you've put it.

For the rest of all, i think the article is still not shallow enough. as i can see some ppl that commenting "oh our religion is being used as a tool again, our religion this and religion that". Com'on guys wake up!
this is not just abt islam being used in Maldives. In big picture, in a shallow meaning, i think Ibrahim is trying to say that the so called religion (the divine presence) is a myth that is created long long time ago, to control PEOPLE (citizens) and MANIPULATE them to achieve the personal goals of the rulers. Be it Maumoon, Bari, Majeed, Hussein, Fathima, Hawwa or anyone.
they know the truth, they know religion (muslim, christian, buddism, hindhu) is nothing but a myth and its the political establishment that sought to historize it.
Islam, Christianity, Hindhu, Buddism, along with all the fiestic believe systems is the fraud of the age. It serve to detach the species from the natural world and likewise each other. It supports blind submission to authority. It reduces human responsibility to the effect that GOD controls everything and intern awful crimes can be justified in the name of divine pursuit,,,, and most importantly it empowers those who know the truth, that use the myth to manipulate and control societies.

The religious myth is the most powerful device ever created and serves as a psychological soil upon which other myths can flourish.
A myth is an idea that while widely believed is false. In a deeper sense, in the religious sense a myth serves as orienting and mobilizing story for a people. The focus is not on the stories relation to reality but on its function. A story can not function unless it is believed to be true in the community or the nation. It is not a matter of debate. If some ppl have the bad taste to raise the question of the truth of the sacred story, the keepers of the faith do not enter in to a debate with them. They ignore them or denounce them as blasphemer.
4:15 PM
Anonymous said...

Its a very big mistake anni had done by giving the power of islamic affairs and made it an independent. most of the mullahs are no educated and think they are sheikhs.
4:35 PM
Anonymous said...

a picture is worth a million words and your picture summarizes all that is wrong with the religion in Maldives. Our women likes to cover the heads but don't KNOW what morals are. They gossip, discriminate, spiteful and are promiscuous.

They could have sex with anyone but in their mind it is ok as long as there is a burugaa.. burugaa is a cover to please the fundamentalists. They want freedom and if they have a choice they would not even marry Maldivianss.

Our women are in a difficult identity crisis. You have shown that very nicely in the picture.

Also publish a photo of a gay sheik.
4:49 PM
Anonymous said...

The majority of the comments on this article are so diverse and thought provoking (and entertaining too). I think it gives most Maldivians so much relief that we a nation of extremists but a nation of mostly free thinking people.

Now let's all try tolerance!
5:05 PM
Anonymous said...

Exactly, most of them know nothing about Islam.

I mean, who the hell is Ali Rameez (he now likes to be called Ali Rameez Bin Qasim) to preach about Islam and Sharia Laws?

Bugger didn't even finish school properly because he was so into singing and performance art... Now he is a Raliyalloahu Anhu... walks like a Sahaabee... it is really a joke!

Most of these Mullah's are like that! Honestly... another thing, these guys stick like shit...
5:24 PM
Anonymous said...

A 49-year-old professor of Islamic law in Palestine has sent his only son on suicide mission to Israel and killed 5 innocent people. And they are ruled by a fanatic regime, Hamas. Today Maldives Hamas group are planing a demonstration againt israel. I am not saying what the israels are doing the right thing. But it is sharia law, which allows (BAGHAAVAAI KURAAMEEHUN) to put to death. Also sharia law says belongings taken by force from peoples are (GHANEEMA)
5:57 PM
Anonymous said...

u said Islamic sharia came 1000 years ago and its not fit 4 21 century! LA ILAHA ILLALLA! Destruction upon u insha Allah. Is any basic nature changed from those days to now! think it and say. Is there humans without oxygen? fuck u man.So yesterday tomoro today has no difrence in such.Allahs verses are to all it is implimented already you narow minded frog.
6:03 PM
Anonymous said...

amayey kiyaafa liyanvynun...fada boi thi aalaathun..........
6:06 PM
Anonymous said...

6:48 PM
Anonymous said...

... and the true colors of Aneh Dhivehiraajje and Sappe are finally showing huh? No surprise there. I guess Sappe is pissed because the new year DJs were stopped. Nonetheless, I still think Sappe had a glass of wine (or Champagne) that night.

Here is an idea to all devils. Go to your beloved UK, get drunk and piss onto your own pants!! Just leave Maldives as a Muslim nation.

One more thing. The education system we currently have DOES teach the values of Islam. Anyone who completed grade 9 should be able to clearly mark the boundaries of Haram and Halal, unless the person is retarded like the author of this article. Sure, we have to blame the previous government for the drug crisis we have in the Maldives. But is it only government's fault? What about the responsibility of parents? Do most of the families in Maldives even know what good parenting is?

Looks like Sappe has got a good grip on the Champagne bottle. Get your ass out of Maldives!!! Get your trinity ideas out of our country. You don't deserve to be called a Maldivian. You are not one of us.
7:03 PM
Anonymous said...

and most of the ladies who wear this buruga is doing sex business, using drugs and the sheikhs are child abusing and etc. so are they religous? so funny,,
7:05 PM
Anonymous said...

Quran or Sharia law cannot be applied in the 21st century. Quruan was reveled during the 6th century in the context of the prevailing conditions of the time. It was also applicable for those who lived in Saudi dessert at the time.

Islam and democracy is like water and oil. It is impossible to find harmony between the two.

Anni came to power promising freedom and democracy. But the circumstance of is victory forced to accept the sheiks in charge of religious affairs.

We all know that Anni and almost his entire team are secular. Annis is also smart enough to keep the Mullahs under control.

The bearded mullahs eventually must migrate to Afghanistan where they are eagerly awaited for suicide bombing missions aimed at innocent civilians. This way Mullahs will be guaranteed 100 virgin angels and lakes of fucking wines and champagne.
7:17 PM
Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious me! These Mullah get so angry as if someone has fucked their wife or some shit like that... what the hell is wrong with you guys... Fuck you all too!

What is this, no one can talk about religion, oh sorry, Islam.... any other religion its ok to criticise or even piss on them... Grow up... the world is too well connected and soon you guys will be a minority rejected by all societies...except yeah some '...Tan'... Pakistan or Afgaanistan or Uzbakistan... Maldives will never change into a Tan... Never!
7:50 PM
Anonymous said...

fuck you sappe!! i know you are a christian. slowly emerging ANEH DHIVEHi RAAJE!!!!
8:00 PM
Anonymous said...

So pathetic Sappe. Islam does not change even if one does not follow it. It is always there. In the form it was revealed. AND ALLAH HAS PROMISED TO SAFEGUARD IT IN THE QURAN.

So if you want a good car don't look at the driver inside. learn to appreciate the car.

By the way, did you write all the anti-islamic comments yourself you pathetic fool.

To make us believe that most maldivians are like you.



Anyway, thank you for posting a picture of your sick mind.
9:46 PM
Anonymous said...

ey mihira javaaru bakattaa... thilhaa fudaalaanan varah avahah. himaaru heybalivegen dheenah furassaara nukoh hurey.. thilhaayah heevanee anni verikamah aima thilhaage amaagaathah vannagothah dheenaa kulheveyneytha??? annives balaaboduvaanama jeheynee faiban. thibakarin heekuranee thibakarinnah verikan libuneema raajjeah beynungotheh hedheyneytha? himaarunthakaa varah avahah thibakarinnah kulhifennan fashaafaane thifaadah thelhenyaa.. ehenveemaa maithirivegen thibey "NARAKAIGE DHARUTHAKAA"
9:53 PM
Anonymous said...

dear Maldivian readers.
More of these articles will be seen in the coming days. It involves not only hands of Maldivian. Few Maldivians are driven away by the Christian missionaries. There are few people like Sappe who are knowingly or unknowingly assisting the christian missionaries. These comments will not bring any good. So i think we should ignore these articles and we all should strengthen our belief of Islam. Even now because of our ignorance people like Sappe have acheived their objectives to a great extend. Let them be with their faiths. It is only ALLAH who gives hidhaayath or destruction. Im sure that within the upcoming days there will be articles directly calling for secularism in Maldives.
10:06 PM
Anonymous said...

dhivehi raajy ga miulhey burugaa alhain ulhey kudhin ulhey goii ehves meehakah nufeney dhow..slim jeans lain gayah baaru top lain bandu thakkain ulheu iru ehchekey nubune vey..thi foto hama salhi..mithaa ulhey kudhin dhen burugaa alhaanee thihen dhuvas kolhakun...burugaa elhyma nimunee .. laafa thibeynee super models laigen thibey ehchis.. mee dhen boduvaru!gh
10:22 PM
Noreaga said...

The is the new world order. sappe is following that. the secret society is engineering all this bullshit and the sappe is the "Illuminati", people wake up... visit ""
10:28 PM
Anonymous said...

subhaanallah! the purpose of this article is divide maldivians (people with TAQWA and less TAQWA) and create hatred! no one knows how destructive this article is! Wallah Aulam - Saleem
10:58 PM
Anonymous said...

U may put a naked woman, man or adultery pic...but y should u use burga??? this is what is hidden here! this pic is nothing but disrespect to islam - it is sad some so called muslims do this! better guys change your names, so anyone can recognize without critizing like this
11:02 PM
Anonymous said...

before it was maumoon! now he is gone! why cant anni stop alcohol, he is the so called muslim president of the 100% muslim nation. islamic ministry comes after him!
11:04 PM
Anonymous said...

11:05 PM
Anonymous said...

"BEARD" is not a command of Dr Bari or anybody but a command of Prophet Mohamed SAW, u better know the SUNNA before u make a joke
11:07 PM
Anonymous said...

11:08 PM
Anonymous said...

this article is token of hatred due to ban of f**kable discos - guys get lost
11:11 PM
Anonymous said...

Dear Arthor & publisher, BE CAREFULL, - REMEMBER UR GRAVE, REMEMBER RESSURECTION and REMEMBER HELL FIRE - If Allah guides one, no one can mis guide and if Allah misguides one, no one can guide
11:15 PM
Anonymous said...

Is it the article (which was actually in Minivan without option to comment) or Is it the Photo or Is it Sappe?
Which one is the problem?
11:52 PM
Anonymous said...

We must thank DO for giving us the opportunity to comment on this article. It just goes on to show how divided we are and how hypocritical some of us are.

btw, love the picture... yummy!
11:56 PM
Anonymous said...

are we blind followers? i think sappe n DO teams are blind followers... i was not sure that sappe was a christian but from this article i am 100% sure,,, get out off maldives sappe you! devil..
12:30 AM
Anonymous said...

"BEARD" is not a command of Dr Bari or anybody but a command of Prophet Mohamed SAW, u better know the SUNNA before u make a joke ... you donkey sappe
12:32 AM
Anonymous said...

I think Anni is doing a good job. He is not talking about religion and have asked his Islamic Affairs minister to do his job. When Gayoom was in power, he has asked everyone to follow the deen while he took all our money for his personal use.

He was so tolerant that he allowed his wife to have affairs, while he had his won affairs, his sons to be drug addicts, and his brother to be gay openly. He allowed his senior staff to molest the children and kept Zakariyya Hameed in case he needs a B.......job. All in the name of Islam.

Maldivians grew up following Mohamed Jameel and his teachings. Later on Gayoom told all of us to follow his version of Islam, that is to take drugs, and be drunk all the time.

He wrote a personal letter to all the ministers stating that he was aware that some ministers are committing "religious crimes" and asked them to reduce such activities, especially in public, but not to stop them completely.

He knew his own brother was gay and had affairs with his own son in laws.

He was aware his foreign minister was drunk and take drugs regularly both at home and in his resort.

He was aware that his two sons were taking drugs.

He was aware Yaameen, Munnawwar, Abdulla Shahid, Ismail Shafeeu, Ibrahim Hussein Zaki, Midhath Hilmy were habitual drinkers.

So he thought the best thing is to introduce drugs and make money and keep 30% always intoxicated.'

We are currently consuming $150,000 of drugs a day. Just image that some of his people are still making this kind of money every day.
1:23 AM
Anonymous said...

Sappe as always ur an IDIOT!!!
1:31 AM
Anonymous said...

For crying out loud, Sappe did not write this article, he is giving us all the chance to comment on an article published by Minivan News...

Why are you so angry with Sappe'? If it wasn't for him, we won't have a chance to discuss these issues..

Get a grip on yourselves... all you 'wanna be' Mullahs...

Think about yourselves... your lives... your deeds... that's actions... and decide for yourself...

Are you really a Muslim?
2:24 AM
Anonymous said...

Heheh These great secular guys....they think as if their wives and mothers are fucked by Mullahs..But mullahs can alone stop it...

Guys drink alcohol...and become like a mad like an animal, do all the fucking natural things u wanna do and then that's a fucking happy secular guy...hahaha

May Allah save ourselves from such ignorance.
4:40 AM
Anonymous said...

Blind followers of secularism heheh extremists, fundamentalists, gays, lesbians, aanias, sappeys, annis (by the way hes an idiot, a psychologically disturbed (Seyku Lhaaeh) meehunah olhumakun hovunee maumoon aa called change gennan hadhaigen...rangalhu filaavalheh dhivehinnah libunu., back to what i was followers of secularism, mi secular alaathun ge buriah Mullaain jahaanudheegen thelhi baalanee dho hehehe dhen secular extermistun gos Mullah in maraanulevigen thelhi baalan jeheynee hama firihenkulhi hudha kuraa America alaathunhen ...mi aalaathunge secular extremistun, fundamentalistun miharu secular kamun gos Mullah in maraa hisaabuga ... kihaa secular hehe amayaa elhenveenu sesular bodu faokun..heheh...ZINEY GERINTHAH... thi aalaathun bolakah ehen echehh nuvannaane...Firihenkulhiyaa ziney aa banguralaa laigen halaa ...thiaalaathun janavaarun hen dhuniye ah aee ekan kuran dho heheh secular...freedom of expression BODU FOAKUGE NATHEEJAA...heybalivagen thelheyne gothakah thelhen dhookolaa mi secular aalaathun...dhuvahakuves bakarinnah nuvisneyne...moshey khaanaas, hail Sappe he has opened one go to him everyone heheh enjoy the freedom hheeeeeeeeeeeeeheheh
5:01 AM
Anonymous said...

The artwork is symbolic of Adaalath Party and Sheik Majeed.

From the top it is all islamic.. But the more you glance down, you see nothing but naked political ambitions.
8:23 AM
Anonymous said...

u better get some protection.
Male' streets will not be safe for you from now on..
InshaAllah you will be dealt with.
8:45 AM
Anonymous said...

Some one said to remove the pic. otherwise asked Islamic Ministry to take action ?.... funny.. What **cking action you think they can take ???
10:16 AM
Anonymous said...

kalhu burugaa alhai kalhu jubbaa laafa findhuga kas alhaafa thibey anhen kasbeennaa fen nuvaaa faikuri thambikattaa hamayah thibey thubulhilee jaahilu thalabaanun akee doa hamaekani islamun kamah thiaalaathun heekuranee ?? balaga aharumennakee ves islamun. thiaalaathun vaanee narakaige dharuthakah.. fadaboibala suvaruthak... saabas Sappe. adhives mikahala aatikaleh othiyya hoadha meega liyebala.
10:24 AM
Anonymous said...

The picture is very disturbing and as many can see it has no meaning with the article,i ask sappey to remove it.pls
12:20 PM
Anonymous said...

HAHAHA….."If Allah guides one, no one can mis guide and if Allah misguides one, no one can guide" Why is God’s name are you trying to guide people whom Allah is says no one can guide al all??????

GoDLeSS Gracious ME!!! Listen to your GOD will you!
12:38 PM
Anonymous said...

Wowww...nice dress.
1:48 PM
believer said...

Sappe is Harassing islam and its true followers. May Allah bestow his mercy on true believers and punish the unbelievers.

May Allah destroy Sappe and his unbelieving disciples.

May Allah punish Sappe in this world and in hereafter.

May Allah punish Sappe with poverty, lowliness, Abomination and distress. May Allah make a example out of him to others.

May Allah burn Sappe and his disciples in hell fire.
2:30 PM
Anonymous said...

hey sappey kaley christianity qaboolukuraathee ehenmehun vaavaddan noolhey balhaa.thikahala runding v reethigothugai nimigendaane.kaley goruboey dhivehinge eemaantherikan badalukuran beynunvanyaa.may allah detroy dis shaithaan n sav our lives.
3:10 PM
Anonymous said...

By reading the article and the comments, only one thing came into my mind. May Allah give you all, (who are against) the right path.

To the writer who used such a harassing photo to Islam, your intention of this writing may destroy you oneday, and be fearful because you are too going to face darkness oneday.

To the people who wrote nasty comments, there is still time for you to gain the knowledge, do it now, otherwise it will be too late for you.

what a shame to know that our brothers and sisters are trying to destroy our faith in the religion (Islam)..but for those, you may do it now..but surely you will not live you are definitely going to face it..
May Allah guide us, show us the right path.Ameen
3:33 PM
Anonymous said...

like the way maumoon controlled these mullahs anni has to control them too. if now sooner or later they will be ruling this country and they are the worst of humans,,
4:01 PM
Anonymous said...

wowwww...beautiful dress
4:53 PM
Synonymouse said...

Aren't we Buddist before Barakatul Bari Bari killed the "Rannamari". Weren't we forced to believe in Islam from the begining? Can someone tell me is there a sensible history behind how islam was brought to the country in the first place.
The problem is the current generation in the country has never seen the time before Islam and is a product of wat is being told by our leaders. Religion be it buddism/christianity comes in the form of a myth and its that political establishment that historizes it, that creates fear and sense of doom.
Just imagine, wat it would be like, if it would not have been imposed upon us from the beginning. Why do you thing that the Sultan or whoever was ruling the country decided that "okay, now we all will have to convert and follow islam" There were thousands of ppl who did not want to convert to muslims (such as velidoo, laamu whole atoll etc). why? because they felt the same fear and same love for the religion that most of us are claiming at present day for islam. Where there is misery, religion will always be used as a tool. this is the truth, whether you like it or not.
And for those who are shouting out loud for Sappe to go UK and publishing comment agaist islam by himself, christianity, or an underground mission to spread christianity, LET ME tell you something. its tried tectics of Maumoon already by saying christian propaganda as if christian is the only religion other than Islam and as if all the maldivians are in perfect harmony with other aspects of their life, as if they all agree on the same belief. We know the truth. Who knows or cares if Sappe is christian or jew or muslim or sunni. Don't forget we are buddist before islam OR atleast thats the myth we all believe in.
Kindly note that the voices here against islam or for the freedom of religion has nothing to do with any propaganda and these same voices are against any propaganda to spread any other religion be it christian or gayoomism or annism. We want freedom from all of this for it is nothing but a big fat lie (religion).
5:32 PM
Anonymous said...

My fellow countrymen: In a democratic system, we respect respect everyones opinion. Look at this opportunity as an avenue to express opionion freely, hear and learn from those who have dissenting views. For too long our people have lived in darkness. Let's open our ears and eyes ana allow people to share their views and enlighten ourselves. We all do not have to agree with each other! That's the beauty of a free society!
5:35 PM
ibrahim said...

The problem is not quite of Islam, it's more about shariah being enforced in the constitution and that calling all nationals be muslims. It's a muslim country and government. Not quite so the people inside.
The constitution should allow freedom of religion for its nationals. Our basic human rights are violated with that restriction. Hope some day we will be more liberal.
5:45 PM
Anonymous said...

Sappe, why dont u stop writing this sort of bullshit on DO. You kno that u kno nothing about islam and its sharia. Infact, u guys think that wen Anni comes to power u wud b able to do any hell here. Go to hell, we all truely muslim brothers and sisters will eradicate shits like u (trade mark muslims)who influence our faith. U r insulting our muslim women. U think u can spread christianity here. Never even dream of that. May Allah (sw)save us all from devils like u. I thot u r an inteligent person, but now realised that u r such an ignorant idiot. Be careful about the hell u r doing thru such propagations. I also have pursued my master of Education in UK but never got weak in my faith like u perpetrators. U r never a muslim brother. Its a warning to u hypocrat.
6:06 PM
Anonymous said...

magey hithah dhen arani mi kuni Ibrahim men, kutti nasheedh men, ibilees Sappe men baaey mi topic ah liyun emme rangalhee? mi meehun fiyavaa dheenee gothun rangalhah bas buneyvaruge meehun keehve baa mi noos noohunves mifadha article thah nuliyuhvani... eyrun mi dhahkaa vaahaka meehunnah olhun filaane... ekamu mihaaru mivaa gothakee vaneh hureema moaleh laigen thalhuvani... dheen neyngey meehun hamayah... mihen mikanthah kuran ulhey meehunnnah maairaskanlaane heyomagu dhehvaandhe.....
7:51 PM
Anonymous said...

Shoudn't we be thanking Sappey for giving us this opportunity to comment and exchange our own views on this topic?

Before Sappey used to get death threats from Dictator Gayoom loyalists because he tried to free us from torture and oppression. Now the bearded crowd is threatening him because he is giving us the opportunity to express our free view.

Sappey did not write this, let me repeat it again, as it is clearly said in the article footnote. He is just publishing it because it is an important national debate. Anyway, this is my own thoughts on the subject.

The views expressed here very clearly shows how divided we really are but that is natural, after all we are humanbeings and we never agree on anything...

Comment on the subject, please!
8:27 PM
Anonymous said...

Simple thought ... who would be more vulnerable to be an object for sex or to be raped, as compared to a moderately dressed lady?
9:25 PM
Anonymous said...

Dear readers,
This is getting way out of hands,I' ve been to few middle east countries and currently m residing in East Asia.Wat i 've noticed is that they love their religion, be it Islam.They consider it to be part of their life.

BUT in the LITTLE Maldives,wat i find is that these little pathetic idiots,like the one who wrote this piece of junk think that they Know everything and that Islam is just some Ideology that no one cares.

Well my unlearned opponent... u r very Wrong.We r grateful to be Muslims and we take it as part of our life and in fact more than 1.2 BILLION people in this world are Muslims and share the same thought as me.

So stop wasting your time harassing others and get a life surely u all are not going to live here forever.

You certainly have no respect to people who have learned and earned to speak about Religion. So how can a guy like you comment on religion in the 1st Place.i know ..i know ..u feel u n ur bunch of losers should fill the posts ....well that aint happening coz there r people who have Islamic Knowledge in Maldives and the Official religion of Maldives is Islam whether u like it or not.

N one more thing...u think drinkin beer, rum and having sex as much as you like is kewl ..well, u ll know how kewl it is wen u r unable to differentiate between ur lover n ur mom wen u r intoxicated or wen u jump in front of a car being intoxicated or wen someone out of the blues call u father for that matter.ISLAM PROHIBITED drinking and havin illicit sex FOR THESE REASONS.

if u think that u n ur loser friends can spread ur aethist ideas to maldivians thru some websites like these,well...u aint gonna get wat u want coz this is not Maumoon ur playing with but this is our souls nd m sure that there r Many more maldivians who love thier religion than u losers.

9:42 PM
Anonymous said...

Hi y'all!

Please watch the arrivals on youtube!!
10:30 PM
MARLBORO said...


wen will maldivians learn to debate in a civilised manner....its clearly transparent the author has not disrespected the religion nor sappe' tried to spread christianity..the article is jus about maldivian politics and how it changes wen such ppl get the power and how easily their morals and beliefs changes

why we as muslims cursing each other while the article has done no damage to our religion..infact i would say it open ur mind tat how some people try to manuplate others in the name of religion.

after readin the article and comments i would say there are nice suggestion while other who are unfortunate they took wrong ideas. from the comments it clearly seen tat some ppl went far beyong limits to blesphemy this is very sad, cox this so called wahhabbi who does not know any islamic kowledge spread these kinda materials and brain wash the youth.

suggestion to the article...

well the article is very biased to MDP(not a DRP member, infact no party). this is not a problem cox it was written by a MDP member so he would praise his party and try to manupulate others with faults of other political parties. Its clear this article is against adhaalathu party and DRP....well i would say this article is actually good, cox it open to a whole new level of ideas and proposition to current government.

Regarding to picture...i would say one user has said in comments "A picture is worth a million words"
well tats very made you atleast think of this topic and comment on this article..well tats the whole point of democracy
3:30 AM
Anonymous said...

Anni pls make this computer literate fellows a little bit educated so that thy know how to comment on blogs. comments should be constructive. If u oppose the view,give your reason and proof it. Islam also shows the path, it does kill u directly when some one questions or has different view.
Its shame that some of comments seems to be from a guy who lived before prophet Mohamed.
I also noticed two three guys requesting to remove the picture. If u cannot digest this picture here is my advice. REMOVE THE LADIES WHO COMMITS SINS USING HIJAB AS A SHIELD. You can see a lot of such women in Male.
3:34 AM
Anonymous said...

Hey,, Guys.. Guys... look, to day and yeasterday also Israel Killed lot of Paletinians.... Stop that and lets help them as Muslim Brothers and Sisters...Any ways.... i Know you Guys dont have guts to do so... ok there is one fund opened to help them . atlest donate something for that....No naaa. ok talk nonsence.... thats wat you guys can do...says that we all are Muslims......
9:09 AM
Synonymouse said...

@Ahmed 0942pm
See there you proved my point. You denounce us as blasphemers. You consider others as opponent in the name of your divine pursuit.
You do not want to enter in to a debate, but just call us ignorant, because you are blindly following it.
I have travelled to many countries in these area, especially the countries that are developing and yes they love their religion. but for me it came as an opportunity to observe how it works. I noticed that the ones who were really in love with the religion was the ones who lived in misery. You can see the religion is practised in more village areas than the developed and city life. now im not saying there aren't ppl in developed countries or cities who are devoted to the GOD. but if you think rationally, free from all your preconceived judgemental opinions, you will see my point.

But your thoughts here, we count it. we will not threaten you or call you blasphemer, because we believe in freedom. Peace and Love brotha!

"It is not enough for us to say: "I love God," but I also have to love my neighbor.
St. John says that you are a liar if you say you love God
and you don't love your neighbor.
How can you love God whom you do not see,
if you do not love your neighbor whom you see, whom you touch, with whom you live?
~ Mother Teresa ~

-If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other
~Mother Theresa~
9:09 AM
Anonymous said...

Allah SWT, forghives all sins (with conditions like before one is about to die and when sun rise from west)but not SHIRK (worship beside Allah or Associate with him)! so these born muslims, especially maldivians JUST BE CAREFULL of what you say, you are answerable! YOU CANT EVEN TOUCH THE FIRE FROM YOUR LIGHTERS WITH UR FINGERS EVEN FOR A MINUTE, SO HOW CAN YOU LIVE FOREVER IN THE HELL FIRE.....Wake up!
2:13 PM
Anonymous said...

2:14 PM
Anonymous said...

hello sappe! wat do u want do to this btful country??? we dnt want christian ANNE DHIVEHI RAJJE.. plx leave us and go bk UK...we dnt want any advice or any article frm u. and one more thing..plx remove the picture on this article...dat picture also shows dat, ur against muslim...
5:02 PM
Anonymous said...

The right way of islam won't change even though if you put a picture like this..The greatest fear for us muslims today is secularists claiming that they are moderate muslims. People like sappe, afarshim, kutti nasheed and many matter how much you write against islam it is growing day by day, and the final victory will be the true muslims.
5:37 PM
Anonymous said...

5:57 PM
Anonymous said...

Toleration and tolerance are terms used in social, cultural and religious contexts to describe attitudes and practices that prohibit discrimination against those practices or group memberships that may be disapproved of by those in the majority.

For more... search 'tolerance' on Google!
7:00 PM
Anonymous said...

To Synonymouse @909am

u ve got it very wrong there broda,

I used the term opponent becoz its a debate n if ur not aware of it in debates there r opponents n proponents.

i have no grudge against anyone... i was sharing a piece of my mind whether u like it or not,
Bytheway Nobody is threatnin anyone here ...see thats where u guyz get it all wrong...u think we love islam becoz we love the acts done by the the hardcore ignorant suicide bombers who blow up themselves in the name of religion ....NO,we denounce those acts ,we love our religion because of the beautiful preachings n becoz we have FAITH.......u talk abt Mother Teresa n st.John who had faith in wat they believed n we respect y cant u do the same n leave DR Majeed n his office doin wat they believe is right.

at the moment wat u guyz r doin is harassing who ever tries to tell the gud in Islam. Certainly i have not threatned anyone in my life n u thought it was a threat that i just shared a peace of my Mind....we Love peace n Islam means Peace...btw i assume u dont know that.

u feel that anyone who tells gud abt islam is a Mulla or a suicide bomber n that has corrupted ur minds to the extent that U START FOLLOWING BLINDLY believing every Muslim is a threat

well BROTHA u r very wrong once again
btw dont take this personal its only a debate

peace n love brotha.
7:23 PM
Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia is definitely Muslim and a holly land which we must all respect. But that in no way makes them the best! In fact they are the worst. If not why should they not help the Palestinians in this disastrous Gaza conflict?! It would only take a few actions on the part of the Saudis to force the US and the UN to act against Israel. I'm really disgusted at them. We are standing idle when our brothers and sisters are been slaughtered by the Israeli forces. The Saudis have so twisted the principles and rules of Islam for their convenience. In Saudi Arabia, only Muslims and Men have rights and this very intoxication of power and sinful acts have destroyed the unity among Muslims which was renowned in the time of the Prophet (SAW). As for the Adhaalath, preach Islam in the right way, do not get caught in Politics. But your preachers must not be tainted with transgression. A person who indulges in sinful acts whether in the open or behind the veil, is in no position to offer guidance to others!
8:11 PM
Anonymous said...

May Allah destroy Sappe' as He destroyed Pharoah, Haman and other such people in the history. Sappe' ah halaaku huri!
10:28 PM
Anonymous said...

we won't give death threats to u sappe as u requested..!!prophet (pbuh) said: dhua is the weapon of mu' we pray allah to destroy people like u and others...

May Allah destroy Sappe' as He destroyed Pharoah, Haman and other such people in the history. Sappe' ah halaaku huri!! Aamen..!!
11:58 PM
Anonymous said...

hurihaa mulla innah halaaku huri,, all the mullas area devils and all the burugees in that black coats are lady witches,,
11:01 AM
Anonymous said...

all the mullas are play boys, thats why they need 4 wives,, ha ha ha hah ha hah
11:02 AM
synonymouse said...

In religion we find a vibrant underlying system, called fandita, co-existing with the formal politically-linked theological Islamic system which provides the rationale for behavioral and political control. The word fandita comes from the Indic word pandit, and refers to special powers possessed by certain men and women. This belief system encompasses ideas about spirits, ghosts, winds, and lights on the sea, and it allows people to control their health, their enemies, their boats, their fishing catch, and their destiny. The rituals contain a lot of what in India might be called puja and mantravadi (reciting of mantras), besides South Indian ideas about health and healing. This is marvellously islamicized by the institutionalized belief in jinns. The fandita experts engrave charms to be tied around the neck as is done in South India and Sri Lanka, and this is islamicized because they scratch on them marks resembling Arabic script. It is said that the Maldives was converted to Islam because a visiting saint in the 12th century showed the king that his faith had the power to control the most terrible ocean jinn then afflicting the people. The king ordered his subjects to be converted, and the saint rewarded him with the title sultan. But in fact, conversion to Islam was probably motivated more by the strength of Islamic trade and civilization which dominated the Indian Ocean at that time.
2:55 PM
Anonymous said...

Read more like this.....
5:22 PM
ayesha said...

sappe ur just angry cos all new year night djs were banned.well why dont u go back to the uk and stay there .
10:18 AM
Anonymous said...

i think the Ayesha is the more is a angry no! she is a so angry that she is fail to notice that this article is a not by Sappe. She also has a went so is a far to request is a sappe to leave is a maldives and to go back is to UK. i mean that is a little is a bit too much is not it?
5:24 PM